The 1987 operation period began after a major shutdown in which the following parts were replaced or newly installed; the central OH coil, vessel restraints, toroidal belt limiters, 8 ICRF antennae, the second NBI box, and an ORNL multipellet injector. ICRF now couples up to 14 MW from 8 antennae and monster sawteeth lasting up to 2.7 s have been produced. The central electron temperature rises to 1 0 keV in these discharges. H-mode has not been obtained with ICRF heating alone. Neutral beam operation was delayed by technical problems but in the last weeks of 1987 injection power in the range 4-6 MW of 70 kV deuterium was used. This enabled H-modes to be recovered similar to those seen in l986. A study of the threshold beam power for L to H transitions shows a high sensitivity to the toroidal field strength (Pth Bt2.5). With the new poloidal field system it has been possible to operate at 6 MA in the limiter mode and 3.5 MA in the X-point configuration. A fusion product of ni(0)
Ti(0)= 2x1020 m-3s keV equal to the best 1986 value has been achieved. Peaked density profiles have been obtained using the ORNL pellet injector.
The neutral beam performance has been extended to 22 MW lasting for 2 s. This makes it possible to study a long-term evolution of supershots. The best results, central ion temperature Ti(0) > 25 keV and ne(0)Ti(0) value of 3x1020 m-3s keV, were obtained with nearly-balanced injection. Non-inductively driven currents have been investigated with the long-pulse neutral beams. Modeling of the plasma surface voltage requires inclusion of the neoclassical bootstrap current. An interesting regime with some properties similar to the H-mode has been observed for limiter plasmas when qa is close to certain values, 3.2 or 2.7.
TFTR has been shut down since July to reorient the NB injectors for maximum balanced performance and to install an ICRF system for profile peaking.
During a shutdown in April and May, limiters and divertor plates were changed
to graphite. With enhancement of the poloidal coil and power supply systems,
the plasma current (3.2 MA limiter, 2.7 MA divertor) now exceeds the original
design values (2.7 and 2.1 MA, respectively). The total combined heating
power up to 30 MW with NB and RF has been injected into hydrogen plasmas.
The plasma stored energy increased up to 3.1 MJ with Ip, and ne(0)= 1.8x1019 m-3s at Ti(0)=3.7 keV was obtained in limiter plasmas. This data point enters well into the JT-60 target area as laid down by the Atomic Energy Commission in July l975 in equivalent, deuterium plasma parameters taking into account of the square root dependence of
on ion mass. Short H-mode periods were observed in the outside X-point divertor discharges with heating power higher than 16 MW. Another type of improved energy confinement was obtained with the combined NB and ICRF heating in low density discharges associated with strong acceleration of fast ions.
A new divertor coil for lower X-point divertor operation and a 4-pellet injector are being installed for confinement study which will start in March 1988.