Status Reports / Achievements
Minutes of the 5th Executive Committee Meeting
International Energy Agency (IEA) is an autonomous agency established in 1974.
The IEA carries out a comprehensive programme of energy co-operation among 28
advanced economies, each of which is obliged to hold oil stocks equivalent to
90 days of its net imports. The aims of the IEA are to:
member countries’ access to reliable and ample supplies of all forms of energy;
in particular, through maintaining effective emergency response capabilities in
case of oil supply disruptions.
sustainable energy policies that spur economic growth and environmental
protection in a global context – particularly in terms of reducing
greenhouse-gas emissions that contribute to climate change.
transparency of international markets through collection and analysis of energy
global collaboration on energy technology to secure future energy supplies and
mitigate their environmental impact, including through improved energy
efficiency and development and deployment of low-carbon technologies.
solutions to global energy challenges through engagement and dialogue with
non-member countries, industry, international organisations and other
attain these goals, increased co-operation between industries, businesses and
government energy technology research is indispensable. The public and private
sectors must work together, share burdens and resources, while at the same time
multiplying results and outcomes.
multilateral technology initiatives (Implementing Agreements) supported by the
IEA are a flexible and effective framework for IEA member and non-member
countries, businesses, industries, international organisations and
non-government organisations to research breakthrough technologies, to fill
existing research gaps, to build pilot plants, to carry out deployment or
demonstration programmes – in short to encourage technology-related activities
that support energy security, economic growth and environmental protection.
than 6,000 specialists carry out a vast body of research through these various
initiatives. To date, more than 1,000 projects have been completed. There are
currently 41 Implementing Agreements (IA) working in the areas of:
Activities (information exchange, modelling, technology transfer)
(buildings, electricity, industry, transport)
Fuels (greenhouse-gas mitigation, supply, transformation)
Power (international experiments)
Energies and Hydrogen (technologies and deployment)
The IAs
are at the core of a network of senior experts consisting of the Committee on
Energy Research and Technology (CERT), four working parties and three expert
groups. A key role of the CERT is to provide leadership by guiding the IAs to
shape work programmes that address current energy issues productively, by
regularly reviewing their accomplishments, and suggesting reinforced efforts
where needed. For further information on the IEA, the CERT and the IAs, please
scope of the Implementing Agreement for Co-operation on Tokamak Programmes (CTP IA) is to further the science and
technology of large tokamaks by engaging in co-operative actions relating to
the further development of the tokamak concept to make maximum use of the
scientific facilities in the countries of the contracting parties.
Short summary
The CTP IA, in conjunction with bi-lateral
agreements, continues to provide an excellent method to carry out ITER research
needs and advance fusion science. During 2014, the tokamaks programmes involved
in this IA provided essential data and operating experience for ITER and for the
advancement of the tokamak concept.
During its 5th meeting, the Executive
Committee confirmed or agreed to the following:
elected Richard Pitts (ITER) as chair of the CTP-IA executive committee,
unanimously agreed
to reissue the invitation to ROSATOM Russia to join the CTP-IA,
adopted the
Personnel Assignment reports for Jan. 2014 – Dec. 2014 and the Proposals for
Assignments and Remote Participation for Jan. 2015 – Dec. 2015,
agreed to the
proposal by the US to organise a follow up Workshop focussed on well diagnosed
experiments that can provide information to validate or disprove models for
disruptions, EU continues in roles of the secretariat and the CTP WEB
management; and
the next (18th)
ITPA CC meeting, the Workshop on Joint Experiments and the 6th CTP ExCo meeting
to be held consecutively at Cadarache, France on 7-9 December 2015.
Executive Committee
of the 5th ExCo Meeting are attached as Appendix I.
Contracting Parties
European Union |
Korea |
Japan |
India |
United States of America ITER |
China |
Status Reports / Achievements
from the ITPA Coordination Committee Meeting
China Report, Ge Zhuang
In China from
2008 to 2014 a total of about 80 ITER-related
projects (~440 M$) were supported involving about 20 institutes and universities
with more than 50 affiliations. The progress on tokamak research in China
includes developments on EAST, HL-2A, small-size machines, ITPA Topical Group
activity in China, and the next step of Magnetic Confinement Research in China.
The EAST tokamak
significantly enhanced its Heating and Current Drive capability with 8 MW of
Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) at (50-80 kV), 4 MW of Electron Cyclotron Resonant
Heating (ECRH) (140 GHz), 12 MW of Ion Cyclotron Resonant Heating (ICRH) (25-75
MHz) and 10 MW of Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) (2.45 and 4.6 GHz) now available.
This allows sufficient power to probe beta limits, variable rotation and
rotation shear, current profile control and sustainment, dominant electron
heating and control of plasma instabilities. Also the newly upgraded plasma-facing
components and Resonant Magnetic Perturbation (RMP) coils will facilitate long
pulse operation in the EAST Tokamak. Using the Resonant Magnetic Perturbation
Coils ELM frequencies have been increased by a factor of 5. A long-pulse H-mode
up to 28 seconds with H98 ~1.15 was achieved using the new LHCD
system (4.6 GHz) and nearly fully non-inductive long pulse H-mode was developed
using LHCD+NBI modulation. Active
control of divertor power deposition was achieved by the combination of LHCD
and Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection (SMBI).
The heating
and current drive capability on HL-2A of 3 MW NBI at (40-50 kV, ECRH: 3 MW/68 GHz + 2 MW /140 GHz
and LHCD: 2 MW/3.7 GHz/2s allows the study of advanced tokamak physics, fast
electron physics, current drive and profile control, plasmas with dominant
electron heating and NTM control. Two types of limit cycle oscillations were
observed in HL-2A during L-I-H-mode confinement transitions. NTMs driven by
transient Te perturbations induced by non-local transport were
observed for the first time in HL-2A.
joint experiments successfully demonstrated fully non-inductive scenarios with transformer-less
operation for 5 s. Good alignment of bootstrap and total current profiles
maintains an internal transport barrier with steady-state operation. Excellent
energy confinement and high normalized pressure is maintained with low NBI
EU Report, Tony Donne
restructuring of the EU programme led to the establishment of EUROfusion which
was officially launched in October 2014, involving 29 Research Units in 27
European countries, and working together to achieve the ultimate goal of Fusion
Energy as outlined in the EU roadmap to the realisation of fusion energy. This roadmap includes 8 Strategic Missions to tackle
all challenges in two main areas: ITER Physics with the objective of preparing
and risk mitigation of ITER operation with experiments on JET, Medium Size
Tokamaks, Plasma-Facing Component devices, and DEMO conceptual design studies
for a single step to commercial fusion power plants and the production of
electricity with a closed fuel cycle. In the roadmap, significant stellarator
research is carried out as a back-up strategy. The Work Packages addressing ITER physics
issues include the exploitation of JET via experimental campaigns and enhancements
aiming at preparation of DT operation in ITER, the exploitation of medium size tokamaks
via experimental campaigns and enhancements and the preparation for
exploitation of JT-60SA. In addition,
key issues related to the investigation of PFCs for ITER and preparation of
efficient PFC operation, assessment of alternative divertor and liquid metal
PFCs and the definition and design of the Divertor Tokamak Test facility are
addressed as well as the exploitation of W7-X through experimental campaigns
aiming at stellarator optimisation.
The Work
Packages for the development of Power Plant Physics and Technology focus on materials
research; the design of an early neutron source, breeding blankets, safety and
environment, design integration and physics integration, magnet systems, divertor,
tritium and fuelling, heating and current drive, diagnostics and control, remote
maintenance systems, containment structures, heat transfer and balance-of-plant.
The EU Tokamak
operation focusses on the use of metallic walls: in ASDEX Upgrade with the conversion
to all W PFCs completed with an outer bulk W-divertor, the use of bare steel tiles
on the machine central column and a new divertor manipulator allowing large
area sample insertion; in JET with the ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) using Beryllium
and tungsten (W) PFCs; the foreseen integrated test of scenario compatibility
in DT and the WEST project to access the long pulse operation with actively
cooled W-monoblock components.
At JET, it
was shown that the operational window is narrower with the JET-ILW, but good
confinement was achieved with the strike-points close to the pump duct entrance.
Stationary type I ELMy H-modes were developed at JET with gas fuelling to
reduce W sources, sufficient ELM frequency to flush the W, central heating to
avoid W peaking and heat exhaust control to protect the PFCs. Robust target
power flux control schemes need to be tested across machines for ITER such as divertor
detachment which is key to ITER. In ASDEX-Upgrade using N seeding Psep/R=10MW/m
(the key divertor identity parameter provided that densities are similar) was
the status of W7-X, the main-device assembly was completed in May 2014, device
commissioning is on track and with first plasma planned for summer 2015. The
operation of W7-X is organised in an uncooled carbon limiter phase, a carbon
uncooled divertor phase and an actively-cooled carbon divertor with the
possibility of a metal divertor in the future.
India Report, Joydeep Ghosh
The SST-1
tokamak has the objective of establishing a unique window of large tokamak
superconducting magnet cryo-stable operation with two-phase helium and vapor
cooled current lead operation with cold helium instead of liquid helium at
nominal conditions (BT = 1.5 T). The SST-1 tokamak successfully achieved ECH
assisted plasma break-down and current ramp up in both fundamental and second
harmonic mode with low loop voltage (E < 0.4 V/m). Circular ohmic discharges
with Ip ~ 50 – 70 kA; maximum discharge duration of ~ 400 ms; line
averaged electron density ~ 0.5 x 1019 m-3 and toroidal magnetic
field of ~ 1.5 T were achieved.
In the Aditya
tokamak, regular operation at 150 kA was achieved and disruptions induced by
hydrogen gas puffing were successfully mitigated by applying ICRH power through
a fast wave antenna. A Localized Vertical Magnetic field (LVF) perturbation
technique was successfully employed to mitigate Runway Electrons (REs). The
perturbation causes no disruption of the thermal component of the plasma, hence
REs can be extracted without disturbing the plasma. The runaway current
contribution to the main current is reduced and the discharge parameters are
also improved. In addition, Radiative Improved (RI) modes were developed using
Ne gas puffing.
Japan Report, Yutaka, KAMADA
A joint
core team towards research and development of a fusion DEMO power plant was assembled
and the objectives outlined in a report published on 18 July 2014 (in Japanese).
An English version will be released in 2015. This report covers the concept of
DEMO including the changes in the energy situation and social requirements; fundamental
strategy; development strategy and the basic concepts required for DEMO. In
addition, the report addressed the DEMO technology issues including superconducting
coils, blanket, divertor; heating and current drive systems, theory and
numerical simulation research, reactor plasma research, fuel systems, material
development and standards/criteria, safety of a DEMO reactor and safety
research, availability and maintainability and diagnostics as well as points of
reactor design activity for international cooperation and collaboration.
the recent results and future plans on LHD, upgrades to the machine capability
have allowed new operation scenarios extending the LHD operational regimes with
the achievement of high ion temperature Ti ~ 8.1 keV, ne
~ 1019 m-3 and ion heating, ICRF wall conditioning with confinement
improvement, integrated high temperatures Ti ~ Te ~ 6 keV,
ne ~ 1.5x1019 m-3 with the superposition of
ECH on high Ti plasma and the achievement of steady state operation
Te ~ Ti ~ 2 keV, ne ~ 1.2 x 1019 m-3
with 1.2 MW for 47.5 minutes with a total injected energy of 3.36 GJ. The agreements
for the LHD deuterium experiment with local government bodies were concluded on
March 28, 2013. Deuterium experiments will begin in 2016, and during the
planned subsequent 9 years of experiments, 10 keV ion temperatures should be
achieved, aiming at experiments with up to 3MW of heating for one hour. The neutral
beam injectors will be upgraded for deuterium beam injection, which has higher ion
heating efficiency.
the status of the Broader Approach activities, the installation of an injector
for the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc) was completed and beam tests
have been initiated by the JAEA, CEA and IFMIF/EVEDA Project Team. Remarkable progress has been
achieved in the Computer Simulation Centre and ITER Remote Experimentation
Centre activities with efficient joint work of EU and JA on the DEMO design Joint
work to design feasible DEMO concepts. EU and JA designers met 24 times to
address critical design issues and to envisage feasible concepts. The activity
provides the best directions, leading to the development of DEMO.
simulations for magnetic confinement fusion have been performed in the Computer
Simulation Centre with a Linpack performance of 1.23 PTflops (as of June 2014,
worlds 30th fastest), maintaining extremely high availability (> 98%) and
running rate (> 85 %) and contributing significantly to research with 275
publications and 847 presentations.
continues to progress well and manufacturing is on schedule in both EU and JA; JT-60U
disassembly was completed in October 2012, toroidal field coil winding has
begun, the TF coil test facility has been almost completed and tokamak assembly
began in January 2013 by installing the cryostat base. The lower 3 poloidal
field coils were completed with high accuracy and all TF coils will be tested
at CEA-Saclay before delivery to the Naka site. Prototype current leads for the
TF coils were completed and integrated into a test facility and four current
leads for the TF coils have now been manufactured. Joint-welding of the vacuum
vesssel sectors will continue until the end of September 2015 to form 340° of the
vessel, with the final 20° sector left
open until TF cil assembly. At the present, 7 40°sectors = 280° have been
placed on the cryostat base. The first
two-frequency gyrotron (110 and 138 GHz) has achieved the development target of
1 MW x 100 s at both frequencies. Regarding the development of the negative ion
source for the JT-60SA injectors, the pulse duration has been extended from 30 s
at 13A to 100 s at 15A, meeting design requirements. The JT-60SA Research plan was
updated to Ver 3.1 in 2013 with 331 co-authors, of which 150 from Japan (76
from JAEA, 74 from 15 Universities) and 176 from EU (10 countries, 24
South Korea Report, Jong-Gu KWAK
and ECH power upgrades enabled KSTAR to explore more exciting regimes in 2014,
which now includes co-tangential NBI with 3 beams with a total of 4.5 MW at 95 keV, 170 GHz ECH at 1 MW for 50
s, 110 GHz ECH at 0.7 MW for 2 s, 30 MHz ICRF at 1 MW for 10 s and 5 GHz LHCD at
0.5 MW for 2 s. The operational capability of KSTAR has also been substantially
enhanced by the newly commissioned MG and auxiliary power upgrades. Full graphite,
water-cooled PFCs are now installed, together with an in-vessel cryopump. High
beta (βN~4) above the no-wall limit has been transiently
achieved by optimising the plasma current and magnetic field with auxiliary
power ~ 3 MW. The low error field and magnetic field ripple in KSTAR is ideal
for 3D and rotation physics studies. The low value of the error field was
confirmed to be ~10-5, allowing q95 = 2 to be crossed without
MHD instabilities. Modular 3-D field coils (3 poloidal rows / 4 toroidal column
of coils) provide flexible poloidal spectra of low n magnetic perturbations for
3-D magnetic perturbation studies. The long-pulse, quasi-steady-state H-mode
discharge in KSTAR has been extended and sustained for 43 seconds at 0.6 MA (more
than 20 resistive times). ELM-suppression was achieved and sustained by a
single row of Resonant Magnetic Perturbation Coils for up to 5 s. Extension of
ELM suppression requires stable control of the plasma shape and position in
order to access the narrow operation window and a substantially expanded
operation window for n=1 RMP ELM-suppression has been found. The reduced heat
flux and dispersal at the outer divertor is confirmed for RMP (n=1) ELM mitigation
with newly installed divertor target viewing IR cameras. Steady progress is
being made in KSTAR to define access conditions to steady-state operation and ICRF
power has been successfully coupled to NB heated H-mode plasmas, resulting in an
increase of the central electron temperature.
ITER Report, Richard Pitts, Joe
Snipes, Alberto Loarte, David Campbell
Much of the ITER design is now complete and manufacturing
activities have been launched, so that physics R&D studies must
increasingly emphasize how best to exploit the ITER facility to achieve the
project’s goals. Nevertheless, some design issues remain to be resolved: for
example, the substantial challenges which remain in developing a disruption
mitigation system capable of operating reliably at the ITER scale require a
significant continuing research programme, while the detailed design of ITER’s
plasma facing components is being supported by tokamak experiments addressing
SOL characteristics. Significant collaborations have also been established,
inter alia, to improve the physics understanding of ELM control, to develop
an approach to correcting error fields produced by ITER’s ferromagnetic test
blanket modules, to better understand the core plasma behaviour of high-Z
impurities associated with the use of a W divertor and to develop elements of
the plasma control capability required to support reliable operation in ITER
plasmas. Such collaborations, involving most of the ITER Members’ main fusion
facilities and relying extensively on the CTP-IA and ITPA activities, are
fundamental to advancing the physics basis for ITER operation and in mitigating
operational risks. At the ITER Organization (IO), physics R&D is
coordinated, and often pursued in-house through three separate Sections
addressing confinement and modelling, stability and control and plasma-wall
interactions. Activities in these
separate areas for 2014 are described separately below.
physics and plasma-wall interactions
Efforts in
2014 have been dominated by reinforcement of the physics basis for the full W divertor,
in particular the investigation of the effects of high particle fluence (both H
isotopes and He), the likelihood and consequences of surface topological
modification due to heavy transients and the physics of plasma interaction on
leading edges in support of design decisions for W monoblock surface shaping. A
monoblock shaping design decision is scheduled to be taken at the IO by the
beginning of 2016, the last remaining major design aspect to be finalized for
the divertor. In support of this milestone, a series of new ITPA tasks in the
Divertor and SOL area has been launched in late 2014 to study the key
outstanding physics issues in the area of edge power loading, with experiments
planned throughout 2015 on a total of 10 different tokamak, stellarator and
linear plasma facilities within the ITER Partners.
In the
area of plasma-facing component (PFC) shaping, but now concentrating on the
first wall, 2014 saw the completion at IO of a 3 year programme of physics
study, involving results from nine different tokamaks (in part coordinated
through the ITPA), to construct a new physics basis for the heat flow parallel
to the magnetic field in the SOL during limiter plasmas. A new paradigm has
emerged from these studies, revealing the presence of an extremely narrow heat
flow channel near the last closed flux surface, which seems to be common to
both limiter and divertor configurations and is now the subject of intense study
in the community. As a result of this work, a new first wall panel shape has
been proposed for the ITER inner wall panels allowing significantly improved
power handling during plasma start-up.
Engineers are now implementing the proposed modification.
Work has
also continued on more refined predictions of dust generation and tritium
retention in ITER, both in support of questions from the Nuclear Regulator and
as input to the design of dust and fuel retention diagnostics which are now
proceeding through conceptual design phases at the IO. Throughout 2014, efforts
have continued in the preparation of a new version of the SOLPS plasma boundary
simulation tool which will incorporate all of the many physics improvements
which have been added to various versions of the code in past years. The new version, SOLPS-ITER, will become the
standard at the IO and, it is hoped, throughout the Member’s physics
institutions. A major launch workshop for the new code will be held at IO in
April 2015, already full subscribed, with over 40 participants from all ITER
and control
The IO
participated in new experiments on DIII-D which demonstrate that loss of
stability in low-torque ITER baseline scenarios with magnetic fields introduced
by a Test Blanket Module (TBM) mock-up coil can be avoided using only n=1
compensation fields generated by a single row of ex-vessel control coils,
similar to the equatorial correction coils planned for ITER, enabling sustained
operation at ITER performance metrics.
With correction fields applied, operation below the ITER-equivalent
injected torque is successful at three times the ITER equivalent toroidal
magnetic field ripple for a pair of TBMs (with 1.3 tons of ferromagnetic
material each) in one equatorial port.
At high plasma pressure, where n=1 field amplification is enhanced,
uncorrected TBM fields degrade energy confinement and the plasma angular
momentum, but do not trigger a disruption owing to increased levels of applied
torque. Compensation of the n=1
component of the non-axisymmetric magnetic field recovers most of the
performance impact of the TBM. However,
plasma rotation braking from the TBM fields cannot be fully recovered using
standard error field control, which suggests that the proposed limits on the amount
of ferromagnetic material permitted in each TBM should be strictly
The IO was
involved in the preparation and execution of JET disruption experiments on
runaway electrons and massive gas injection in 2014. These experiments focused
on characterizing the heat loads caused by runaways and developing a mitigation
scheme suitable for ITER. One important finding was the absence of any
mitigating effect during the injection into a mature runaway beam. Saturation in the current quench duration, which
would be beneficial for limiting eddy current loads, has been found at the
highest injection rates. The IO also participated in the ongoing programme to
build an improved physics basis for disruption prediction and to develop more
advanced disruption predictors for JET and ASDEX-Upgrade. A study of the
amplitude of MHD perturbations at the start of the disruption thermal quench was
performed and a general scaling derived to extrapolate these amplitudes to ITER. Moreover, the survey of disruption causes at
JET was complemented by a similar study on ASDEX-Upgrade and is now being
further extended to studies on KSTAR.
plasma transport and pedestal physics
characterizing core transport of tungsten (injected by laser blow-off) in
electron heated H-mode plasmas without central sources and ITER-like density
profiles were performed in Alcator C-Mod. The results show that (in agreement
with ITER modelling) W accumulation in the core plasma is unlikely to occur in
these plasmas since the central density gradient is very moderate due to the
lack of a central particle source (i.e. no NBI fuelling).
processes during the termination of H-mode scenarios in ITER have been studied through
analysis of plasma behaviour during the termination phase of JET H-modes over a
large range of conditions (1.5 to 4.0 MA), simulations of these plasmas at the
IO, and modelling of ITER plasmas by external experts under IO supervision. The
results of the JET experimental analysis show that the margin of the edge power
flow above the L-H transition is the key parameter determining the time
interval in which the plasma remains in H-mode and the rate at which the plasma
energy decreases after the switch off of the additional heating in the
termination of H-mode plasmas. Application of core plasma modelling (validated against
JET experiments) to ITER reveals that, for the termination phase of high Q
scenarios, the edge power flow remains higher than the L-H transition power
over a significant time (typically ~ 5-10 s), which keeps the plasma in the
H-mode regime and slows down the decrease of the plasma energy to timescales of
~4-8 s, i.e. much longer than previously evaluated on the basis of an immediate
transition to L-mode (~1.8 s). This has positive implications regarding the
control of radial plasma position in the H-L transition phase and on the expected
power fluxes to PFCs during the sudden termination of high Q ITER scenarios due
to malfunction of heating systems.
modelling of ELM triggering by pellets has been applied to JET-ILW plasmas in
order to understand the observed lack of ELM triggering when pellets are
injected shortly after an ELM crash. An important finding is that in order to
trigger ELMs in the early phase of the ELM cycle larger pellets are required
than later in the ELM cycle when the pedestal pressure approaches the edge MHD
stability limit.
in He H-modes with ECH and NBI heating were carried out at DIII-D tokamak to
address key R&D issues for the development of plasma scenarios in the
non-active phase of the ITER Research Plan. The plasma behaviour was
characterized and the requirements for ELM control explored for the two ELM
control schemes in the ITER baseline namely: application of 3-D edge magnetic
field perturbations and pellet triggering. It was found that the specifications
required for control of ELMs in He plasmas with 3-D fields and D pellets are
similar to those in D plasmas with similar shape/plasma current/toroidal field,
although the degree of ELM control achieved differs for 3-D fields (for pellet
triggering the results in D and He are virtually the same). This is associated
with the different plasma parameters achieved in He compared to D H-modes: ELM
suppression in He at low bN (operating near the L-H
threshold) while at high bN only ELM mitigation is achieved
in He plasmas (compared to ELM suppression in D plasmas).
of the physics processes responsible for pedestal behaviour in the QH-mode and
relevance of this regime to ITER has involved experiments in the DIII-D tokamak
which have demonstrated that the QH-mode can be achieved at high density (as
required in ITER). In parallel, modelling of the edge MHD stability of these DIII-D
plasmas has been performed by IO staff with the JOREK code. This has demonstrated
that the dominant edge MHD instability in these plasmas is a low n external
kink mode, triggered by the large current densities present in the low collisionality
conditions. The mode then saturates due to non-linear coupling with other
higher n modes. This saturated kink mode presents many of the features seen in
the DIII-D experiments and it is found to provide enough particle transport to
explain the saturation of the pedestal growth and the absence of ELMs. In
principle, such behaviour is compatible with ITER edge plasma conditions in
H-mode, but JOREK modelling for ITER to address this point is in progress.
US Report, Steve ECKSTRAND
The U.S. Fusion Energy Sciences
Program is being reorganized around four themes—Burning Plasma- Foundations,
Burning Plasma-Long Pulse, Burning Plasma-High Power, and Discovery Plasma
Science The new organization does not directly affect the three major tokamak
programs, which are included in the Burning Plasma-Foundations theme, but does
increase the importance of international collaborations on long pulse
facilities, which are included in the Burning Plasma-Long Pulse theme. Since
the U.S. does not currently have any long pulse fusion facilities, all work in
this area will be accomplished through international collaborations.
During 2014 Alcator C-Mod and
DIII-D had successful research campaigns, with Alcator C-Mod operating for
about 12 weeks and DIII-D operating for more than 15 weeks. NSTX did not
operate during 2014 because it is shut down for a major upgrade. This NSTX
Upgrade project is proceeding on schedule.
Experiments on Alcator C-Mod
focused on significant ITER research needs and the high-magnetic development
path to fusion power. The C-Mod team made progress in many areas including
I-mode scaling and extrapolation, efficient Lower Hybrid (LH) off-axis current
drive, the use of Lower Hybrid for improvement of pedestal pressure and global
confinement, ICRF heating using a field-aligned antenna, and the implications
of the narrow SOL power channel for ITER inner-wall design.
Experiments in C-Mod have
determined that the I-mode power threshold is independent of the toroidal
magnetic field, whereas the H-mode power threshold increases with toroidal
magnetic field. Thus, the I-mode operating window increases with increasing
toroidal field, which is favorable for ITER. This result may also explain why
the I-mode operating window is limited in DIII-D and ASDEX-Upgrade.
During calendar year 2014, DIII-D
has carried out approximately 15 weeks of physics operations with a few more
weeks planned in early 2015. Experimental research during 2014 was coordinated
by the physics groups in the DIII-D Experimental Science Division: (a) Burning
Plasma Physics; (b) Plasma Dynamics and Control; (c) Boundary and Pedestal
Physics. In addition, experiments were also conducted by the DIII-D Disruption
Mitigation task force and the 3D Plasma Response task force. Experiments during
this Campaign focused on resolving key issues for ITER design decisions,
enhancing the physics basis for ITER Q=10 scenarios, assessing a range of
options for steady-state operation in ITER and future devices, and developing a
validated physics basis of key processes for predicting the performance in ITER
and future devices.
The highest priority elements of
research program focused on important ITER issues, especially disruption
mitigation and test blanket module experiments. Disruption mitigation
experiments with massive gas injection (MGI) confirm that the structure of the
MHD mode induced by MGI is consistent with NIMROD simulations. With one MGI
valve, the heat flux due to the 1/1 mode is peaked 180 degrees away from the
valve. With two valves separated poloidally and toroidally by 120 degrees, the
toroidal heat flux peaking factor is reduced. Test blanket module (TBM)
experiments were carried out with and without n=1 error field correction. At
low input torque without n=1 error field correction, the TBM field damps plasma
rotation leading to error field penetration, which leads to beta collapse and
disruption. With optimized n=1 error field correction, it is possible to
achieve stable operation with ITER equivalent torque input up to the maximum
possible TBM field. Error field correction also reduced hot spots on the TBM
tiles due to fast ion losses.
During 2014, the NSTX Upgrade
(NSTX-U) team continued to make rapid progress on the Upgrade Project. They
completed the winding of the OH coil over the toroidal field magnet inner
bundle and then completed the VPI of the entire TF-OH center stack. They also
inserted the TF-OH center stack in the center stack casing, mounted the carbon
tiles onto the casing, and installed the entire assembly in the center of the
NSTX-U vacuum vessel. Installation of the connections between the inner and
outer conductors of the TF magnet coils in in progress.
The refurbishment and relocation
of the second neutral beam line has been completed, and the alignment of the
beam line has also been accomplished. The installation of the ion sources and
internal beam line hardware has been completed. The duct between the beam line
and the vessel has been installed and the vacuum vessel is being pumped down.
The installation of the neutral beam power supplies is complete, and initial
testing of the beam line is scheduled for late December or early January 2015.
There were a wide range of bilateral and multi-lateral collaborations
in 2014. The following is a list of completed personnel exchanges.
EU – US: 5 Exchanges, 61 ppd
IO – EU: 14 Exchanges, 38 ppd
IO – KO: 2 Exchanges, 9 ppd
IO – US: 4 Exchanges, 35 ppd
IO – JA: 1 Exchange, 3 ppd
JA – EU: 6 Exchanges, 2 ppy, 23 ppd
JA – US: 2 Exchanges, 8 ppd
KO – EU: 2 Exchanges, 7 ppd
US – EU: 10 Exchanges, 1 ppy, 73 ppd
US – KO: 11 Exchanges, 174 ppd
Many other exchanges took place under bilateral agreements.
for 2015
An additional International Workshop on theory and simulation of
disruptions will be hosted by Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, U.S.A., in
2015 and the 5th ExCo Meeting will be held at ITER Headquarters in December
2015 research will focus on final ITER design decisions and physics
validation. New capabilities at DIII-D will include improved shell pellet
injection (disruption mitigation); lithium granular injection (pellet pacing),
a prototype helicon antenna, polarimetry, upgraded SOL flow and Ti
measurements using Coherence Imaging. The NSTX Upgrade Project is nearly
complete with first plasma foreseen for March 2015 and scientific experiments
in May 2015.
For JET, ASDEX-Upgrade and TCV the Task Force Leaders will draft an
experimental programme to implement on each device in a common General Planning
Meeting to be held in January 2015 in Lausanne, Switzerland. The first plasma
of W7X is planned for the summer 2015.
The next step for magnetic confinement development in China focuses on the
preparation of the Chinese Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR). CFETR
should be based on the ITER design and should face the challenges of a pure
fusion energy reactor: steady-state operation, tritium breeding, etc. CFETR
engineering design is based on the available materials, but the device should
become one of the test facilities for developing the materials under fusion
reactor conditions for DEMO or FPP.
SST-1 plans for 2015 include the installation of first wall components,
LHCD experiments and development of a superconducting central solenoid; and to
upgrade the Aditya tokamak to allow divertor operation, with machine
disassembly beginning in March 2015.
The chair has invited Russia to join the Implementing Agreement.
Unless otherwise agreed by the Contracting
Parties in writing, each Contracting Party shall bear its own costs in carrying
out the activities under this Agreement and any Annexes, including the costs of
formulating or transmitting reports and of reimbursing its employees for travel
and other per diem expenses.
D. Luo |
China |
K. He |
China |
Romanelli |
Eriksson |
P. Kaw |
for Plasma Research |
R. Jha |
for Plasma Research |
Motojima |
Organization |
Haange |
Organization |
Mori |
Kamada |
Kawk |
Oh |
Eckstrand (Chair) |
Office of Fusion Energy Sciences |
R. Hawryluk |
that several changes will be made to this membership list in the course of 2015
as a result of departures and new nominations. The 2014 Chair (S. Eckstrand)
has retired and is replaced by R. A, Pitts, ITER Organization.
more information, contact
Executive Committee Meeting of the
Agreement for
Cadarache, France, Wednesday 10th December 2014
Yutaka Kamada (JP), Kouji Shinohara (JP), Richard Pits (ITER), Jong-Gu Kwak
(KO), Yeong-Kook Oh (KO), Steve Eckstrand (US), Rich Hawryluk (US), Abhijit Sen
(IN), Carrie Pottinger (IEA), Xavier Litaudon (EU), Tony Donné (EU), Lars-Göran
Eriksson (EU), Duarte Borba (EU), Hartmut Zohm (EU),
CTP-IA Executive Committee:
- unanimously elected
Richard Pitts (ITER) as chair of the CTP-IA
executive committee,
- unanimously agreed to reissue the invitation to ROSATOM
Russia to join the CTP-IA,
- adopted the Personnel Assignment reports for
Jan. 2014 – Dec. 2014 and the Proposals for Assignments and Remote
Participation for Jan. 2015 – Dec. 2015,
- agreed to the proposal
by the US to organise a follow up Workshop focussed on well diagnosed
experiments that can provide information to validate or disprove models for
and Approval of the agenda and minutes of the last meeting
The Chair
welcomed all participants in the meeting. The proposed agenda was briefly
discussed and approved. The minutes of the previous meeting (4th
Executive Committee Meeting) were approved.
Chairman's term of office
was pointed out that the policy is to rotate the chair among the parties. It
was confirmed that ITER will take the Chair for the following two years. It was
remarked that electing a new chair every year as stated in the agreement is not
practical, and it was agreed that the best solution is to re-elect the chair for
an additional year, so that there is no need to change the text in the
Decision: the CTP-IA Executive Committee unanimously elected
Richard Pitts (ITER) as chair of the CTP-IA executive committee.
and Information from the IEA
Chair invited Carrie Pottinger (IEA) to inform the committee on recent IEA
activities. Carrie Pottinger expressed that she was happy to be back at the
ITER site and started the report by describing the IEA organizational structure
that oversees the CTP-IA. She added that the Fusion Power Coordinating
Committee (FPCC) meets once a year and reports to the Committee on Energy
Research and Technology (CERT) that reports to the IEA Governing Board.
Recently a report to the Governing Board was prepared. This was the first
report in 20 years. This report was very well received with a number of very
positive remarks. The Governing Board asked the CERT to look on how to raise
more awareness on the work carried out under the Implementing Agreements and to
improve the process for requesting extensions of the Implementing Agreements.
In order to address these recommendations, the basic actions have been
completed, as such improving the website, and the creation of a new website for
members. She also stressed that the Implementing Agreements will be in the
agenda of the ministerial meeting scheduled for 2015, raising again awareness
of the work done. Carrie Pottinger (IEA) concluded her remarks by stressing
that a publication on Implementing Agreements is published every 2 years, which
includes a fusion article. The deadline for summiting a contribution was 1st
October 2014 but given the change in the chair, it was requested to submit the
contribution related to the CTP-IA by 28th January 2015, the date of the FPCC
Action: The chair to prepare and submit the contribution related to the
CTP-IA by 28th January 2015 for the publication on Implementing Agreements
published every 2 years.
Status: Done 9 January 2015.
Discussion on annual report
It was
stressed that in the recent past, the chair asked the members of the committee
for input for preparing this report. It was also requested by IEA to prepare a
one page report on highlights for the governing board input document. One key
highlight discussed was the important progress in the construction of JT60-SA
and other labs can provide also key physics results for the report. It was
proposed to organize the report by projects and not by parties and organize the
presentation around the work being done for ITER. It was noted that this will
require extra work, in particular by the Chair. It was also emphasized the
importance to recognise the role the universities in addition to the
laboratories, which will be very important in the future.
Action: The chair
to prepare and present the Annual report at the FPCC meeting (28th January 2015)
Action: The
Members of the executive committee to provide input for preparing the annual
report, including key highlights.
Committee Membership
Regarding the committee membership, Lars-Göran Eriksson (EU) will prepare
a proposal to replace Francesco Romanelli (EU) with Tony Donné (EU) and also
possibly the addition of Xavier Litaudon (EU) as alternate. Takaaki Fujita (JP)
and Yoshihiko Koide (JP) will step down as well as possibly Steve Eckstrand
(US). The membership from the Korean side and India will remain the same. Carrie Pottinger (IEA) pointed out
that the nominations made by the
parties should be addressed in a letter to the IEA executive director Maria van
der Hoeven.
Action: Carrie Pottinger to provide standard letters to the Chair.
Status: Done 11 December 2014.
on the membership and role of the CTP-IA
In the discussion of the present membership of the IEA-CTP IA, it was
pointed out that Russia was invited to join the CTP-IA but no
positive response was received. After a unanimous vote it was agreed to reissue
a new invitation to Russia to join the CTP-IA and to address this invitation to Dr. Borovokov.
Decision: CTP-IA Executive
Committee unanimously agreed to reissue the invitation to Russia to join the
Action: The chair to send a letter to
Dr. Borovokov reissuing the invitation to join the CTP-IA.
It was also agreed to clarify the participation of China in the CTP-IA.
It was stressed that the invitation was directed to the participation of SWIP
and ASIPP, but the contracting party to the agreement was finally the Chinese
ITER Domestic Agency (ITER-China). Carrie Pottinger (IEA) confirmed that China
usually requires a specific procedure and that contacting the head of the
Chinese ITER Domestic Agency is the correct approach.
Action: The chair
to contact the head of the Chinese ITER Domestic Agency in order to clarify the
participation of China in the CTP-IA, in particular the role of SWIP and
There was also a general discussion on the use of the CTP-IA and how it
relates to the bilateral agreements, in particular, related to the use for personal
assignments and exchange of hardware. Carrie Pottinger (IEA) stressed that the
CTP-IA has a very broad scope and that are several other agreements under IEA
that covers fusion research, in particular, there is a specific Stellarators
implementing agreement. Carrie Pottinger (IEA) also emphasized that the CTP-IA
can be amended to include other activities. It was also clarified that the
agreement allows the activities related to ITPA, and that for exchange of
hardware the bilateral agreements are more appropriate in particular regarding
the questions of liability and intellectual property. It was stressed that
historically the CTP-IA was created with the objective to provide a legal framework
for the ITPA activities.
on the Completed Workshops and Personnel Assignments for Jan. 2014 – Dec. 2014
and Proposals for Personnel Assignments and Remote Participation for Jan. 2015
– Dec. 2015
Eckstrand (US) reported on the workshop organized in Princeton under the
auspices of the CTP-IA. He remarked that the workshop was very successful with
30 participants and 24 presentations and it was proposed to carry out a follow
up workshop on the same topic in 2015. He added that information regarding the
outcome of the workshop is accessible on the website and he will check access
requirements and inform the executive committee of the web address.
Action: Steve Eckstrand
(US) to inform the executive committee of the web address containing the
information regarding the workshop organized in Princeton under the auspices of
the CTP-IA.
Status: Done 15 January 2015 (2014 Presentations:
Decision: CTP-IA Executive
Committee unanimously agreed to the proposal tabled by
the US to organize a follow up Workshop focused on well diagnosed experiments
that can provide information to validate or disprove models for disruptions.
was added that in the past there was the rule to have one workshop per year on
a different topic. But there are many workshops on these subjects and the number
of Workshops organized under the auspices of the CTP-IA was less in the recent
will be a Workshop to discuss and decide on the ITER plasma shape and the
proposal by the Chair is to organize this workshop under the auspices of the
CTP-IA. This will make it easier for the participants to get financial support
to participate in the workshop.
EU assignments were presented by Duarte Borba (EU), the US assignments were
presented by Steve Eckstrand (US) and the KO assignments were presented by
Jong-Gu Kwak (KO). Regarding the report on KO assignments, there was the
comment to replace the contact for the JOREK code at JET and that the EPED
model was applied to JET data in the past.
ITER assignments were presented by Richard Pitts (ITER). Regarding the ITER
outgoing exchanges the question was raised why all the reported exchanges were
to the EU. It was clarified that there were other ITER outgoing exchanges but
not covered by CTP-IA and that the participation of ITER in the JET programme can
only be done under the framework of the CTP-IA. That is the reason why the
CTP-IA is important for JET in particular with regards the participation of
ITER in the JET experiments.
Pottinger (IEA) asked about the reporting process of the results obtained by
the personnel exchanges. Steve Eckstrand (US) replied that the results are
usually presented at conferences and published in relevant publications. Carrie
Pottinger (IEA) stressed the importance of using the scientific results
obtained as an opportunity to raise the visibility of the CTP-IA.
was also mentioned that proposals related to steady-state operation should be
coordinated with the ITPA IOS topical group activities.
of the Next meeting
6th Executive Committee Meeting is scheduled for 9th
December 2015, from 14:00 to 16:00, after the next ITPA Coordinating Committee
Any other business
was added that Rachael Briggs recently took up a position at IEA and she is now
responsible for legal issues. It was also noted that the information on the
CTP-IA executive committee representatives is outdated in the share point ITPA
pages hosted by ITER and that needs to be updated.
Annex I Summary on IA-CTP
Membership Status
India joined the IA-CTP in April 2011,
the ITER-IO in October 2012 and China ITER domestic agency joined in 16 January